Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Blanco County, along with the Lucky Leaf 4-H and Friends, recently packaged 250 Hygiene Kits for delivery by HOPE Ministries to orphanages and schools in Northern Mexico.  Each kit contained a wash cloth, soap, a tooth brush and paste, soap and a brush and comb. Organized by Rotarian Sandy Switzer, the volunteers packaged the items as if they were on an assembly line.  Kathy Kersten led the 4-H and Friends volunteers and several other neighbors and friends also volunteered to help in this worthy project.  Thanks to all, the project was finished in record time.
     This project is another example of “Service Above Self”, the Motto of Rotary.  If you are interested in helping your fellow citizens through membership in the Rotary Club of Blanco County, please contact Teri McKenzie at:, or ask any Rotarian.