The Rotary Club of Blanco County recently presented the BHS Powerlifting Team a check for $1000 for purchase of needed safety equipment such as back braces, or weightlifting belts, bench shirts, wrist wraps, etc. - all necessary powerlifting equipment.  The high school Powerlifters consist of both boys and girls ranging from freshman to seniors.  Though not as popular as football, basketball, etc., Powerlifting is a recognized Olympic sport that builds both inner strength and physical strength of its athletes.  Supervised and led by Coach Tesch and, previously, Coach Rhoades, the Lifters have successfully competed throughout the District.  Purchase of additional safety equipment will avoid sharing of the equipment among the students during meets and practices (a potential health concern), as well as decreasing the amount of suit-up time by the Lifters.
The Rotary Club's donation to the Powerlifting team is another example of the Rotary Motto: Service Above Self. If you are interested in joining an organization whose sole purpose is to serve and better our community (and the world) contact Ms.Tracy Barr at her email address of:  The club meets at noon, the first Monday of each month in the Back Forty of the Old 300 BBQ, and the third Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the same location.