Blanco County Veterans Memorial

Sixteen club members attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Blanco County Veterans Memorial on November 16. Leta Garcia gave the invocation and benediction and Kathie Estrada folded the flag. Take some time to visit this beautiful and peaceful site to remember those who have sacrificied and those who continue to sacrifice so much for the freedeoms we enjoy in the United States of America. The memorial is located at 300 N. Nugent Street, Johnson City, TX.
Blanco County Veterans Memorial Connie 2024-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Donates to Blanco County Veterans Memorial

Rotary Club of Blanco County President Doug McKenzie presented a check for $1,000 to Kathie Estrada member of the Blanco County Veterans Memorial Committee. The funds will go toward the pedestal which honors the US Space Force at the Blanco County Veterans Memorial located at 300 N. Nugent Street, Johnson City, TX.
Rotary Club Donates to Blanco County Veterans Memorial  Connie 2024-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

Wine Tasting Fundraiser a Big Success!

About 85 people attended the September 14 fun evening of tasting and grading wines while raising money for the many service projects the Rotary Club of Blanco County has planned. Thank you to L and L Drilling Co. for providing the wine and to The GVTC Foundation for providing the delicious charcuterie boards! Also thanks to all who attended and support Rotary's moto - Service Above Self!
Wine Tasting Fundraiser a Big Success! Connie 2024-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

Four New Members Inducted

FOUR new members were inducted On August 19! Pictured from left Beverly Tye, Norman Eubank, Barbara Eubank, and Veronica Jones were welcomed to the club and have already joined committees and are ready to go to work serving others and making Blanco County a better place. Service Above Self!
Four New Members Inducted Connie 2024-08-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Blanco County Presents Dictionaries to Blanco Elementary 3rd Graders

     The Rotary Club of Blanco County presented personal dictionaries to each
of the 3rd graders of Blanco Elementary School on August 16. The
dictionaries not only contain words and definitions, but also encyclopedia-
type information that the students may use as a source for writing various
papers or composing stories. Included are biographies of all American
Presidents, Countries and State facts and figures, and even common
American Sign Language. We’ve decided that the dictionary should be
identified as a DICTIONARY+.
     The BES Principal, Greg Wright, was the first to receive the dictionary+,
presented to him by Rotary President, Doug McKenzie. He then introduced
the presenting Rotarians to the 3 rd graders as well as praising the books
and their value to the students. The nearly 70 students who received the
dictionary+ were excited and immediately began opening the books and
paging through them.
     The Rotary Motto is: Service Above Self. The Club’s purchase and
presentation of the dictionaries+ is one example of living up to our Motto.
Anyone interested in serving and helping our community through
membership in the Rotary Club is invited to contact Teri McKenzie at
Rotary Club of Blanco County Presents Dictionaries to Blanco Elementary 3rd Graders Connie 2024-08-17 04:00:00Z 0

Taste the Grape

Save the date - September 14 - and plan on attending Rotary's "Taste the Grape" wine tasting fundraiser. A fun evening of tasting and grading wines and enjoying charcuterie meats and cheeses all while raising money for Rotary's many projects for 2024-2025. Some of our projects include scholarships to Blanco High School and LBJ High School graduates, hygiene kits for those in need, library books and school supplies, drug and alcohol prevention, human trafficking awareness, brain fitness classes and more.
Taste the Grape Connie 2024-07-23 04:00:00Z 0


     Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Blanco County, along with the Lucky Leaf 4-H and Friends, recently packaged 250 Hygiene Kits for delivery by HOPE Ministries to orphanages and schools in Northern Mexico.  Each kit contained a wash cloth, soap, a tooth brush and paste, soap and a brush and comb. Organized by Rotarian Sandy Switzer, the volunteers packaged the items as if they were on an assembly line.  Kathy Kersten led the 4-H and Friends volunteers and several other neighbors and friends also volunteered to help in this worthy project.  Thanks to all, the project was finished in record time.
     This project is another example of “Service Above Self”, the Motto of Rotary.  If you are interested in helping your fellow citizens through membership in the Rotary Club of Blanco County, please contact Teri McKenzie at:, or ask any Rotarian. 
ROTARIANS SUPPORTING THOSE IN NEED Connie 2024-07-18 04:00:00Z 0
THANK YOU! Connie 2024-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Scholarships Awarded

Jack Twilley presented the Rotary Club of Blanco County Scholarship in the amount of $2,000 each to Gemma Broglie and Sophie Blankenburg. Leta Garcia presented the Joe Garcia Community Service Scholarship in the amount of $2,000 to Faith Tucker. Pictured from left are: Twilley, Broglie, Blankenburgh, Tucker and Garcia.
Rotary Scholarships Awarded Connie 2024-06-21 04:00:00Z 0

Jay Slaughter inducted May 20

We welcome Jay Slaughter as our newest club member. Jay was inducted May 20 and is excited to be volunteering for the Rotary projects in Blanco County and beyond.
Jay Slaughter inducted May 20 Connie 2024-05-27 04:00:00Z 0

Social Evening

Club members enjoyed a social evening at the Bistro at Blanco River on April 24.
Social Evening Connie 2024-05-16 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary's Annual Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament Connie 2024-04-10 04:00:00Z 0

Leta Garcia Honored for 20 Years of Service

Leta Garcia was honored at a luncheon for Rotarians who have been members for 20 plus years. The District 5840 recognition luncheon was held at the Witte Museum in San Antonio on March 25. The Blanco County Club congratulates Leta for her 20 years of Service Above Self!
Leta Garcia Honored for 20 Years of Service Connie 2024-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports Blanco Founder's Day

The Rotary Club of Blanco County was a silver event sponsor of the First Annual Blanco Founder's Day held March 23. Rotarians supervised children's games and promoted the club by providing free bottled water and information on joining Rotary and the projects in Blanco County and beyond. Pictured left to right are Rotarians Jerry Gass, Doug McKenzie, Tracy Barr (club President), Sidney Cox, Tom Jones, and Connie Cox.
Rotary Supports Blanco Founder's Day Connie 2024-03-24 04:00:00Z 0

Steve Kumbalek New Rotarian

The Rotary Club of Blanco County welcomed Steve Kumbalek to the club. Steve was inducted March 18 and says he is excited and ready to participate in all of the club's projects! Service Above Self.
Steve Kumbalek New Rotarian Connie 2024-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Doug McKenzie Gives Classification Talk

Doug McKenzie gave his classification talk at the club meeting on March 18. He shared information about himself, his career and why he joined Rotary and enjoys giving to the community and beyond. Doug is instrumental in organizing the annual Joe Garcia Golf Tournament which is the club's main fundraiser, providing scholarships for Blanco and Johnson City high school graduates as well as many other projectcs. Doug and his wife, Teri, are owners of ReMax Genesis in Blanco. If you are interested in joining Rotary and making a difference in Blanco County and beyond please contact Teri McKenzie at (210) 275-2777 or email
Doug McKenzie Gives Classification Talk Connie 2024-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Celebrating 5 years as a Chartered Club

The Rotary Club of Blanco County celebrated its 5th year as a chartered club with dinner and cake at the March 18 meeting. If you are interested in making a difference in our county and beyond and would like to join this wonderful organization please contact Teri McKenzie at (210) 275-2777 or emil
Service Above Self
Celebrating 5 years as a Chartered Club Connie 2024-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Doug & Teri McKenzie Attend President Elect Seminar

Doug and Teri McKenzie, with RE/MAX Genesis Realtors in Blanco, Texas attended a Rotary President Elect Seminar in Dallas, Texas on  through , 2024.

Doug represented The Rotary Club of Blanco County as this year’s incoming President. Teri was attending a Rotary Spouse Program.

To say there was a lot of excellent information is a big understatement.

“We learned that Rotary has so much to offer communities both locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. This is such a wonderful and giving organization, and we are so proud to be a part of it” stated Doug.

“We also met with many Texas Rotary Club Presidents and Spouses who want to get together and do amazing projects together" added Teri.

Blanco County and our adjacent counties are growing fast, and we welcome everybody who wants to be involved in our charitable organization here in Blanco County to join. For membership information, please contact Teri McKenzie at 210-275-2777 or email Teri
Doug & Teri McKenzie Attend President Elect Seminar Connie 2024-03-09 05:00:00Z 0

Jim Rice - New Rotarian

The Rotary Club of Blanco County is proud to introduce its newest Rotarian, Jim Rice, who was inducted February 5. The club is excited to have him join in the community service projects in Blanco county and beyond. Jim is pictured on the right with club Membership Chair Teri McKenzie (left). Welcome Jim!
Jim Rice - New Rotarian Connie 2024-02-12 05:00:00Z 0

John Wright Inducted January 16

The Rotary Club of Blanco County is proud to introduce its newest Rotarian, John Wright, who says he is excited to be involved in service projects in the community and beyond. John is pictured with club President Tracy Barr and Membership Chair Teri McKenzie. Welcome John!
John Wright Inducted January 16 Connie 2024-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Teri McKenzie Receives Paul Harris Award

Teri McKenzie (left) was presented the Paul Harris Fellow award at the club meeting January 16. President Tracy Barr (right) presented Teri with a pin and award certificate. Teri is the club’s membership chair and works diligently at gaining new members. Congratulations Teri!
Teri McKenzie Receives Paul Harris Award 2024-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary - Another Example of Service to Our Community

The Rotary Club of Blanco County recently presented the Blanco Good Samaritan Center with $400 worth of gift cards to be used to purchase Christmas gifts for needy children within our Community. The Good Samaritan Center, in partnership with local churches and other civic
organizations, acts as the focal point for helping families in need during the holiday season and throughout the year. The Rotary Club is proud to support projects that serve and improve the Blanco community. In the past, the Club has provided, among many projects, both monetary and volunteer assistance to our school district, has provided scholarships to deserving seniors from LBJ and Blanco High Schools, and has supported our Veterans, elderly and others in need.
If you are interested in helping your community through membership in the Rotary Club we invite you to contact Teri McKenzie at We welcome you!
Rotary - Another Example of Service to Our Community Connie 2023-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Presents Check to Fire & EMS

The Rotary Club of Blanco County (RCBC) recently presented a check for $1700 to the Blanco Fire and EMS Auxiliary President, Caroline Richardson. The funds will be used by the Fire and EMS organizations for essential equipment, such as equipping the newest fire fighting vehicle, Tender 82, and purchasing various medical equipment, all to better serve the Blanco community. The check was presented by Doug McKenzie, President-elect of the RCBC, who, along with his wife Teri, are owners of RE/MAX Genesis Realty in Blanco. The McKenzies also prepared and presented a delicious Thanksgiving meal, with all the trimmings, enjoyed by the on-duty First Responders.
The Motto of Rotary is “Service Above Self”. The Rotary Club of Blanco County was formed 5 years ago with the purpose of serving and supporting worthy projects in Blanco and beyond. If you have a willingness to serve others and are interested in becoming a Blanco Rotarian, please contact Teri McKenzie at
Rotary Club Presents Check to Fire & EMS  Connie 2023-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

Blanco County Veteran's Memorial Groundbreaking

The groundbreaking ceremony for the Blanco County Veteran's Memorial was held November 11. Rotarian Joe Garcia, who passed away three years ago, had a goal to build the Veteran's Memorial. His wife, Leta Garcia (also a Rotarian), was present for the groundbreaking and said "Joe spent countless hours for the memorial, and while it did not happen in his lifetime he is smiling down upon us and is happy today." The Rotary Club of Blanco County made a donation in support of the building of the Veteran's Memorial. Pictured from left are Ryan Moses, Sherry Jenkins, Michael Deslatte, Leta Garcia, Judge Bray, Mayor Fisher, Cheryl Pratt, Wendy Strunk, and Clay Simpson.
Blanco County Veteran's Memorial Groundbreaking Connie 2023-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

Taste the Grape

Join us for a fun evening while raising funds for youth scholarships and our Club's service projects.
Taste the Grape Connie 2023-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Brain Fitness Events

The Rotary Club of Blanco County helps folks in the community keep their brains in shape by offering a free monthly brain fitness event at the Community Resource Center (CRC) in Johnson City. Anne-Marie Morgan leads the class with the assistance of Jan Gass. These two ladies are Rotarians who definitely demonstrate Service Above Self! The next event will be held September 29, 2023 at 10:00 am at the CRC, 206 S. Hwy 281 in Johnson City. To RSVP or for more information call or text (830) 456-4878.
Brain Fitness Events Connie 2023-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

Jerry Gass receives Paul Harris +1 award

Jerry Gass received the Paul Harris +1 award at the club meeting on September 6. Leta Garcia presented him with the sapphire pin. Jerry is the club's sergeant at arms and definitely demonstrates the Rotary moto "Service Above Self."
Jerry Gass receives Paul Harris +1 award  Connie 2023-09-10 04:00:00Z 0

Cheryl Pratt - New Rotarian

The Rotary Club of Blanco County is proud to introduce its newest Rotarian, Cheryl Pratt. She is looking forward to working on Rotary service projects in the community and beyond and she certainly demonstrates the Rotary motto “Service Above Self.” Cheryl and her husband, Rick, are owners of Johnson City Sign Shop. Welcome Cheryl!
Cheryl Pratt - New Rotarian Connie 2023-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

Assistant District Governor Visits

It was a privilege for our club to have special guest Joyce Yannuzzi, Assistant Governor District 5840, at our meeting Monday, August 21. Joyce is pictured on the left with club President, Tracy Barr (right).
Assistant District Governor Visits 2023-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

2022-2023 Award

The Rotary Club of Blanco County was awarded for completing 100% of its goals during the 2022-2023 Rotary year. Please consider joining Rotary and help improve lives in Blanco County and beyond.
"Service Above Self"
2022-2023 Award Connie 2023-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

Tanya Mayer Inducted August 7

Welcome to our newest Rotarian, Tanya Mayer (right), who was inducted at the August 7 club meeting. Teri McKenzie (left) is the club's membership chair. If you are interested in helping with projects in Blanco County and beyond, contact Teri at (210) 275-2777 or email
Service Above Self!
Tanya Mayer Inducted August 7 Connie 2023-08-07 04:00:00Z 0

Doug McKenzie Receives Paul Harris Fellow Recognition

Rotarian Doug McKenzie received the Paul Harris Fellow recognition at the club meeting held July 17. Leta Garcia presented Mr. McKenzie with the recognition award. Doug truly exemplifies the motto of "Service Above Self" in his dedication and work for the Rotary Club of Blanco County.
Doug McKenzie Receives Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Connie 2023-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

"Service Above Self" Rotary Motto Looks to Extend Further in Blanco County

The Rotary Club of Blanco County (RCBC) is reaching out to prospective members in Johnson City.  Beginning Monday, August 7th, the RCBC will hold its monthly meeting at the Pecan Street Brewery’s back hall at noon.  Lunch will be available and, as always, an interesting guest speaker will present.
The Club was formed in 2018 to serve and represent all of Blanco County.  Currently, there are 43 members.  In support of the county -wide objective, the Club has presented thousands of dollars in scholarships to worthy LBJ High School seniors over the past 5 years.  (The Club has presented two academic scholarships each year to both Blanco and LBJ High Schools since it was formed.). It has also gathered items for hygiene kits and given them to the district school nurse to distribute to students in need.  The Club has also conducted Brain Fitness classes for the elderly residents of the LBJ Medical Center in Johnson City.  Finally, Club volunteers supported the recent 5K run sponsored by Pecan Street Brewery.  Each of these activities was supported or conducted by Club Rotarians, all volunteers.  Also, each represent the Rotary International’s Motto of: “Service above Self.” 
We invite members of the Johnson City community to attend the Rotary meeting on August 7th to learn more of Blanco Rotary activities and meet current members. If community service is a goal that you’d like to achieve, Rotary is the place to start.  We Welcome You!
"Service Above Self" Rotary Motto Looks to Extend Further in Blanco County Connie 2023-07-15 04:00:00Z 0

Installation Ceremony for 2023-2024 Officers and Directors

Tracy Barr hosted the installation ceremony for the 2023-2024 club officers and directors on June 26. Tracy was installed as President by Kathy Hubbard. Tracy presented a thank you gift to Harvie Lindeman (outgoing club President). Officers and Directors for 2023-2024 are: Tracy Barr (President), Doug McKenzie (President Elect and Treasurer), Harvie Lindeman (Immediate Past President), Frank Dubuisson (Vice President), Dixie Van Eynde (Secretary), Jerry Gass (Sargent at Arms), Leta Garcia (Foundation Chair), Jack Twilley (Youth Services and Service Projects Chair), Teri McKenzie (Membership Chair), Connie Cox (Public Image Chair).
Installation Ceremony for 2023-2024 Officers and Directors Connie 2023-07-02 04:00:00Z 0

David Mayer inducted June 19

David Mayer (left) was inducted as the newest club member on June 19. Harvie Lindeman (right) congratulates Mr. Mayer and welcomes him to the club.
David Mayer inducted June 19 Connie 2023-07-02 04:00:00Z 0
Thank You For Making the Golf Tournament a Huge Success Connie 2023-06-08 04:00:00Z 0

Fight Against Human Trafficking

The Rotary Club of Blanco County is a strong advocate for education and awareness on the issue of Human Trafficking.  We are encouraging everyone to see the movie called The  Sound of Freedom (July 4) which is based on a true story of a man who helps fight against human traffickers.
Fight Against Human Trafficking Connie 2023-06-08 04:00:00Z 0

International Project in Belize

Several Rotarians from the Blanco County Club traveled to Placencia, Belize in May. As an international project, they visited St. John’s Primary School and presented them with approximately 100 books for the school’s library and 50 hygiene kits for children of the school. The group of Rotarians also visited It Takes A Village Youth Center where they donated soccer and basketballs as well as prizes for their treasure box. Another 50 hygiene kits were donated to St. Alphonsus Primary School in Seine Bight Village.
International Project in Belize Connie 2023-06-08 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary International Convention Concludes with a Message of Hope Connie 2023-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Texas Regional Bank (Blanco) Silver Sponsor of the 2023 Annual Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament

Thank you Texas Regional Bank for being a Silver Sponsor of the 2023 Annual Joe Garcia Golf Tournament! Calen McNett, Blanco Market President (right) and Josh Walker, Banking Center Operations Manager (left) presented a check to The Rotary Club of Blanco County, Sidney Cox (center). The tournament will be held May 1 at Vaaler Creek Golf Club in Blanco. 
Texas Regional Bank (Blanco) Silver Sponsor of the 2023 Annual Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament Connie 2023-03-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club’s Annual Golf Tournament Promises to be a Big Success!

The Rotary Club of Blanco County is sponsoring its annual Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, May 1st, at Blanco’s Vaaler Creek Golf Course. Golfers will enjoy a day of sport, camaraderie, and fun as they support the many worthy projects sponsored by the Rotary.  Prizes will be awarded for closest to the pin, longest drive, etc.   A Silent Auction will be featured and special "events" will be enjoyed at various holes for those golfers willing to bet on a throw of the die, and other surprises.  The day promises to be a fun and memorable one. Lunch and dinner will be provided.  Golfers are invited to form their own Foursome, or sign up individually.  Cost for the day is the same as last year's fee, or $100 per player. To register and sign-up for the tournament, contact Doug McKenzie at:, or Ken Smith at:
The tournament is the major fund raiser for the Rotary Club of Blanco County.  Thanks to the players, sponsors, and donations, the Rotary Club has sponsored scholarships for seniors in Blanco and Johnson City, has provided hygiene kits for local students and refugee children, books, computers and other equipment to our local schools, human trafficking awareness, Save-a-Life Kits, and many other worthwhile projects benefiting our community.
The Rotary is an international organization whose mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.  The Blanco Club supports that mission through the above projects and community volunteering.  “Service Above Self” is the Rotary Motto.  If you’d like to join the Blanco Club, contact any member or Terri McKenzie at
Rotary Club’s Annual Golf Tournament Promises to be a Big Success! Connie 2023-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

Tara Poer Inducted

Tara Poer was inducted at the March 6 meeting. She will be a great asset to our club and brings lots of idea and experiences from her years in the United States Navy and Department of Homeland Security. Tara said she jointed Rotary because it offers the opportunity to give back to the community. Welcome Tara!
Tara Poer Inducted Connie 2023-03-20 04:00:00Z 0
Our Member Spotlight for March is George Copeland Connie 2023-03-03 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Assists at Blanco Middle School Educational Event

Rotarians Anne Marie Morgan, Tracy Barr and Harvie Lindeman assisted with set up and serving lunch at the Blanco Middle School Educational Event held February 10. During the event students attended presentations on topics such as healthy eating, substance abuse prevention, mental health awareness, kindness, healthy relationships, and all around health goals.
Rotary Assists at Blanco Middle School Educational Event Connie 2023-02-18 05:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Foundation

Xavier Toson, District 5840 Rotary Foundation Chair, was the guest speaker at our club's January 5 meeting. The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty. Mr. Toson shared stories and encouraged members to donate, leaving a legacy that will impact those we may never meet. The Rotary Club of Blanco County receives district grants from the foundation to help fund scholarships provided to local high school graduates in Blanco and Johnson City. To donate visit
The Rotary Foundation Connie 2023-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Blanco Rotarians Serving Others

The Rotary Club of Blanco County recently supported the ongoing Mission of H.O.P.E. (Helping Overcome Poverty Everywhere), under the direction of Mrs. Chris Cloyd of Blanco’s United Methodist Church, by helping gather, pack, and stuff over 150 backpacks distributed to young refugees in Reynosa and Piedras Negras, Mexico in time for Christmas. The backpacks were divided among teens, toddlers, and infants and contained such items as hygiene products (soap, toothpaste, brushes, etc.), writing or coloring materials, hats, socks and small toys. Rotarians Jayne Lightfoot and Sandy Switzer gathered and compiled all of the hygiene kits for both the refugees in Mexico as well as others to be distributed to schools in Blanco County. Harvie Lindeman, Rotary Club President, and Jack Twilley helped stuff the backpacks destined
for Mexico.
Among the many projects that the Rotary Club of Blanco County has conducted, this project, along with collecting coats and blankets last October, are the first international projects that the
club has undertaken. It is another example of Rotarians living the Rotary Motto of “Service above Self”. If you are interested in becoming a Rotarian, working with motivated and caring
neighbors, and making our Blanco community a better place to live, contact Teri McKenzie at: We welcome you!
Blanco Rotarians Serving Others 2023-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

International Project

Rotarians recently prepared hygiene kits containing soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brush, comb, wash cloth, etc. As one of the club's international projects, 100 hygiene kits were sent to Mexico and 100 kits will be sent to Belize where they will be given to school children in the villages of Placencia and Seine Bight. Pictured left to right are Rotarians Jayne Lightfoot, Jan Gass, Tracy Barr, Sandy Switzer and Pat Clewell. If you are interested in serving in Blanco County and beyond please email membership chair, Teri McKenzie, at
International Project Connie 2023-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Mike Lindeman Inducted

Mike Lindeman was inducted as a new Rotarian at the club meeting and Christmas gathering December 16, 2022.
Mike Lindeman Inducted Connie 2023-01-02 05:00:00Z 0
George and Becky Copeland Inducted Connie 2023-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

Leta Garcia Receives Major Donor, Level 1 Award

Leta Garcia received the Major Donor, Level 1 award for her generous contributions to the Rotary Foundation during the November 7 club meeting. Kathy Hubbard and Harvie Lindeman presented Leta with a crystal recognition piece, a pendant and a pin. Thank you, Leta, for your service and dedication to Rotary!
Leta Garcia Receives Major Donor, Level 1 Award Connie 2022-11-12 05:00:00Z 0
From Crisis to Comeback - Testimony Awakening Connie 2022-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

American Legion and the Rotary Club of Blanco County Co-Host dinner honoring Blanco Veterans

The American Legion Post 352 and the Rotary Club of Blanco County will gather on November 11th, 6 p.m., at The Old 300 BBQ restaurant (Back Forty) for a dinner honoring all Blanco Veterans. Rotary President, Harvie Lindeman, and American Legion Commander, Carl Struck, will co-host, introduce and honor the attending Veterans.  All Blanco county veterans are invited.
The Veterans celebration and dinner will include the presentation of colors, followed by the Chaplain requesting attendees to join in prayer.  Each veteran will be asked to stand and be introduced.  As in the past, there will be veterans who represent various branches of country’s armed forces: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Although each has worn different uniforms, all have one thing in common: each has taken and lived out an oath of service to our country…their pledge
The American Legion and Rotary have invited a speaker to conclude the evening who is both a veteran and Rotarian.  The American Legion and Rotary Club of Blanco County encourage all Veterans to attend this special evening in honor of Veterans Day and those who served.  
Blanco County has created a new position: Veterans Service Officer – Wendy Strunk, ph. (830) 330-1827; email
Her office is in the county building in Johnson City. She is there to assist our veterans in filing for VA benefits including medical, disability, home loans, etc.
American Legion and the Rotary Club of Blanco County Co-Host dinner honoring Blanco Veterans  Connie 2022-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Coat and Blanket Drive Huge Success

The Rotary Club of Blanco County’s coat and blanket drive, held in October, was a huge success. The club gathered approximately 50 large bags of coats and blankets from the Blanco and Johnson City communities that were provided to refugees in northern Mexico. Supporting the ongoing Mission of H.O.P.E. (Helping Overcome Poverty Everywhere), the coats and blankets were delivered to Kaleo Ministries in Reynosa, Mexico and Rey de Reyes Methodist Church in Piedras Negras, Mexico. Each of these organizations are feeding and sheltering many refugees today. We would like to thank the citizens of Blanco County for your generous donations.
Pictured left to right: Harvie Lindeman (Rotary Club President), Chris Cloyd (HOPE Ministry), Josh Muse (Kaleo Ministries).
Coat and Blanket Drive Huge Success Connie 2022-10-23 04:00:00Z 0
Pints for Polio Connie 2022-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Groundwater Conservation

Ron Fiesler, General Manager of the Blanco/Pedernales Groundwater Conservation District, was our guest speaker at the October 4 club meeting. He emphasized that everyone concerned with groundwater is very aware of the need to use good science. He showed us maps that illustrate the various layers of the Trinity aquifer. Our District works cooperatively with nine other groundwater districts and plan for 50 years into the future in terms of water needs, quality, preservation, etc. Ron responded to several questions about both wells and rainwater collection systems.
Groundwater Conservation Connie 2022-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Mike Arnold Inducted

Our newest club member is Mike Arnold (pictured on left).  Teri McKenzie (pictured on right) introduced Mike and provided him with the new member packet at the October 4 club meeting.
Mike Arnold Inducted Connie 2022-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

H.O.P.E. Ministry

Chris Cloyd gave an excellent presentation on H.O.P.E. (Helping Overcome Poverty Everywhere) Ministry at the September 6 Rotary Club meeting. Chris has been active in missionary work since 1982 and explained that rather than providing “handouts” to those in poverty, H.O.P.E. Ministry empowers them by paying them a fair wage to sew and make crafts. The handmade crafts are then sold at Fair Trade booths and the money raised provides sustainable income for families in extreme poverty and profits for additional missions.
Donations for H.O.P.E. products will:
*Provide livable wages for families in poverty
*Provide coats and blankets for the homeless
*Sponsor children, orphans and missionaries
*Help eradicate diseases like malaria
*Build schools, homes, churches & orphanages
*Drill water wells and much more!
If you would like to host a Fair Trade booth to raise funds for missions, please contact Christine Cloyd for more info. (512) 550-9282.
H.O.P.E. Ministry Connie 2022-09-08 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Recognition

Leta Garcia and Pat Clewell recently presented Paul Harris Fellow Recognition awards to five Rotarians of the Blanco County Club. Those receiving the recognition were Harvie Lindeman, Ken Smith, Dixie Van Eynde, Sidney Cox and Jayne Lightfoot. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Connie 2022-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

Two New Members Inducted

The Rotary Club of Blanco County welcomes our newest members, Matthew and Martha Herden, who were inducted at the August 15 meeting. Matt retired from the San Antonio Policed Department and is active in the Blanco community where he has served on Blanco County's Child Protective Services board, City of Blanco Planning and Zoning board and Blanco ISD school board. He is currently a board commissioner for Blanco County's Emergency Services District 2. Martha is a fifth-generation Blanco County resident and has served the City of Blanco in the following capacities: Planning and Zoning Committee member and chairperson, Blanco Comprehensive Master Plan Review Committee Chairperson, City Council member in 2017, Mayor of Blanco 2017-2020. Martha currently works part time as a clerk at the Blanco County Precinct #4 office in Blanco. Matt and Martha will definitely be an asset to the club. Pictured left to right: Harvie Lindeman (Rotary Club President), Matt Herden, Martha Herden, Teri McKenzie (Rotary Club Membership Chairperson).
Two New Members Inducted Connie 2022-08-23 04:00:00Z 0
Human Trafficking Awareness Presentation Scheduled for August 15 Connie 2022-08-11 04:00:00Z 0

Human Trafficking Presentation

On August 9, Susan Burkholder, a volunteer with Ransomed Life, gave a very informative presentation on Human Trafficking. She shared that there are approximately 313,000 HT victims trafficked in Texas on a daily basis. 79,000 are kids under the age of 18. The biggest threat to our kids is through social media, like FB, Instagram, Snap Chat, What’s App, and other Gaming platforms which are easy to use for offenders to look for victims. Sex slavery is not gender specific. Girls are not the only victims. According to a
local youth center in SA who are engaged with counseling primarily street youth, almost 50% are boys.
Susan stressed the importance of being aware and to report ANYTHING that looks suspicious to local law enforcement AND the Human Trafficking Hotline 888-3737-888. She recommends putting
the phone numbers in your cell phone. Predators have been apprehended and jailed by those who felt that something wasn’t “quite right”. If you see something say something! The next Human Trafficking Forum for all of the Blanco community will be at 3:30 pm upstairs at the Blanco Courthouse on Monday August 15th. Susan Burkholder will present again. Invite a friend or a group of friends who you think would benefit from this presentation. Sodas, tea and cookies will be served.
Pictured on the right are Rotarians Sandy Switzer, Pat Clewell and Tracy Barr. To the right is Susan Burkholder and to the far right is Libbey Aly with the Blanco Chamber of Commerce.
Human Trafficking Presentation Connie 2022-08-11 04:00:00Z 0

Greg Stevens Inducted

Welcome to Greg Stevens, the newest member of the Rotary Club of Blanco County, who was inducted at the June 6 meeting. Greg has a long history as a Rotarian in California and Oregon. We are glad to have him in Blanco County.
Greg Stevens Inducted Connie 2022-06-07 04:00:00Z 0
Blood Drive for Victims of Uvalde Tragedy Connie 2022-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Scholarships Awarded to Local Graduates

The Rotary Club of Blanco County recently awarded six $1000 scholarships to deserving LBJ and Blanco High School seniors.  Each student was recommended by a teacher(s) and submitted a Rotary scholarship application to the Club.  Each applicant was evaluated on their academic record, extra-curricular and community activities, and their career and life goals. 
The outstanding academic scholarship recipients from LBJ High School in Johnson City were:
              Maura Ibanez
              Rylee Welch
To Blanco High School seniors, the Rotary Club has awarded 2 academic and 1 community service scholarship in the past.  However this year, the Club awarded 3 academic scholarships because the 3 recipients were nearly identical in the evaluation or scoring process.  These outstanding students were:
              Joe Hernandez
              Macy Murphree
              Valentina Edwards
Named after Lt.Col, USAF, Retired Chaplain, Joe Garcia, the Community Service scholarship was awarded to Macy Murphree for her clearly outstanding contributions to her school and community. 
The Rotary Club of Blanco County was formed 4 years ago with the purpose of serving and supporting the County of Blanco.  Beyond awarding yearly scholarships to high school seniors, other service projects include:  distributing Hygiene Kits to local schools, assisting the reading program (Partners Assisting Literacy Success - PALS) at Blanco Elementary School, providing computers to Blanco Middle School, publicizing and educating on Human Trafficking and a host of other projects.  Anyone who is interested in supporting the community through the Rotary Club is invited to the club’s lunch meeting, at noon, the first Monday of each month at the Old 300 BBQ’s Back Forty or at its 6:30 p.m. meeting the third Monday of each month, also at the Old 300.
Left to right:
Joe Kustelski (Rotary President), Rylee Welch, Maura Ibanez, Jack Twilley (Rotarian)
Left to right:
Jack Twilley (Rotarian), Valentina Edwards, Macy Murphree, Joe Kustelski (Rotary President)
not pictured: Joe Hernandez
Macy Murphree was awarded the Joe Garcia Community Service Scholarship
Scholarships Awarded to Local Graduates Connie 2022-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Golf Tournament a Big Success!

The Rotary Club of Blanco County sponsored the annual Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament May 9th, at Blanco’s Vaaler Creek Golf Course.  Over 80 golfers enjoyed a day of sport, camaraderie, and fun as they supported the many worthy projects sponsored by the Rotary.  The winning foursome, sponsored by Frost Bank, were Fair Oaks Rotarians David Murrah, Ron Hubbard, John Rogers and Dave Driskell.  Prizes were also awarded in contests for closest to the pin, longest drive, etc.
The tournament is the major fund raiser for the Rotary Club of Blanco County.  Thanks to the players, many sponsors, and donations to the silent auction, the Rotary Club raised over $25,000.  This money is used throughout the year for such projects as scholarships for high school seniors, human trafficking awareness, art supplies for elementary students, drug and alcohol prevention, Project Graduation support, hygiene and save-a-life kits, and many others.
The Rotary is an international organization whose mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.  The Blanco Club supports that mission through the above projects and community volunteering.  “Service Above Self” is the Rotary Motto.  If you’d like to join the Blanco Club, contact any member or Tracy Barr at 
Golf Tournament a Big Success! Connie 2022-06-02 04:00:00Z 0
Rebecca Lightfoot O'Shea Inducted Connie 2022-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Richard Pankhurst Inducted

Welcome to our newest club member, Richard Pankhurst, who was inducted at the club meeting March 7.
Richard Pankhurst Inducted Connie 2022-03-15 04:00:00Z 0

Tom Jones Inducted

Welcome to new Rotarian, Tom Jones, who was inducted at the club meeting February 21.
Tom Jones Inducted Connie 2022-02-28 05:00:00Z 0


Senator Donna Campbell, M.D. was guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Blanco County meeting on February 21.  Dr. Campbell worked for some years as an ophthalmologist and performed eye surgeries in Ghana on several mission trips.  She is currently working as an emergency room physician even while serving in the Texas legislature.  She became the first woman to be appointed Chair of Veterans Affairs and Border Security. 
Senator Campbell began her remarks by thanking the veterans who were present.  She shared some of her history including how and why she decided to run for state senator.  She explained the process of how a bill is enacted and all the many steps it has to go through to be signed by the Governor.  She also discussed several measures which she has written and/or sponsored and their impacts.  These include the Texas Heroes Act which provides veterans with college credits earned while on duty and increased mental health benefits and another program to promote veteran entrepreneurship.  She was also involved in passing the Lone Star Infrastructure Act which essentially stopped governments antagonistic to the U. S. from buying land and starting businesses such as wind farms that would allow them access to security information on our electric grid, water supply, communications, etc.  Finally she addressed border security and human trafficking in Texas.  She feels there has been some success by the Human Trafficking Task Force but much to be done.  She helped pass the National Child I.D. Bill which keeps childrens’ DNA and fingerprints on file in case they are ever abducted. Club President, Joe Kustelski thanked Dr. Campbell for speaking and informed her that the club will provide a $50 donation to the Rotary Foundation in her honor.

Rotary Club of Blanco County Supports BHS Powerlifters

The Rotary Club of Blanco County recently presented the BHS Powerlifting Team a check for $1000 for purchase of needed safety equipment such as back braces, or weightlifting belts, bench shirts, wrist wraps, etc. - all necessary powerlifting equipment.  The high school Powerlifters consist of both boys and girls ranging from freshman to seniors.  Though not as popular as football, basketball, etc., Powerlifting is a recognized Olympic sport that builds both inner strength and physical strength of its athletes.  Supervised and led by Coach Tesch and, previously, Coach Rhoades, the Lifters have successfully competed throughout the District.  Purchase of additional safety equipment will avoid sharing of the equipment among the students during meets and practices (a potential health concern), as well as decreasing the amount of suit-up time by the Lifters.
The Rotary Club's donation to the Powerlifting team is another example of the Rotary Motto: Service Above Self. If you are interested in joining an organization whose sole purpose is to serve and better our community (and the world) contact Ms.Tracy Barr at her email address of:  The club meets at noon, the first Monday of each month in the Back Forty of the Old 300 BBQ, and the third Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the same location.
Rotary Club of Blanco County Supports BHS Powerlifters Connie 2022-02-25 05:00:00Z 0


On January 17 the Rotary Club of Blanco County welcomed guest speaker Susan Burkholder who provided a very informative presentation on teens lured into online and in person sexual exploitation. Susan is a charter member of District 5840’s E-Club to Combat Human Trafficking, and a member of RAGAS (Rotary Action Group Against Human Trafficking).  She is also the Director of Community Awareness of Ransomed Life, a Bexar County area based non-profit that provides a healing community for sexually exploited youth.  Burkholder provides presentations to service clubs, parents and general audiences as well as in depth trainings for school staff, and people who work with at-risk youth.

Wear Blue Day

The Rotary Club of Blanco County gathered, wearing blue, to raise awareness against human trafficking on January 11. #WearBlueDay
Wear Blue Day Connie 2022-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Raising Awareness about Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Teens

by Tracy Barr
Rotary Club of Blanco County
Rotary Clubs in Central Texas are participating in the Department of Homeland Securities WEAR BLUE DAY to bring attention to the issue of human trafficking, since January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month.  The Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign’s #WearBlueDay is on January 11th every year.  On Jan 17, the Rotary Club of Blanco County is hosting Susan Burkholder, who will be speaking on the topic of teens lured into on-line and in person commercial sexual exploitation. Susan is a charter member of District 5840’s E-Club to Combat Human Trafficking, and a member of RAGAS (Rotary Action Group Against Human Trafficking).  She is also the Director of Community Awareness of Ransomed Life, a Bexar County area based non-profit that provides a healing community for sexually exploited youth.  Burkholder provides presentations to service clubs, parents and general audiences as well as in depth trainings for school staff, and people who work with at-risk youth.
Parents, teachers, community leaders and volunteers are welcome to attend.  The Old 300 Barbecue - The Back Forty room, 318 4th St. Blanco.  RSVP for dinner (mandatory) which begins at 6pm or attend general meeting starting promptly at 6:30pm.
Raising Awareness about Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Teens 2022-01-07 05:00:00Z 0
January 11 Wear Blue Day Connie 2021-12-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary and Women’s Club Assist with Blanco Elementary School Art

Members of the Blanco Women’s Club and the Rotary Club of Blanco County have joined together to support the Blanco Elementary School’s art program.  The formal art program was discontinued after the district experienced financial difficulties several years ago.  This year, first grade teacher, Rosalind Ellis, reached out to the Rotary Club to inquire if Rotarians would volunteer to teach art classes to Kindergarten through second graders.  The answer was, of course, a resound yes!!  In seeking the volunteers, the Rotarians contacted the Blanco Women’s Club to see if any of their members would like to help with the art project.  They immediately stepped forward to offer their artistic expertise.

The program is conducted each Friday with volunteers alternating every other Friday to help the young students with their art projects.  The most recent project was making “pinch pots” with clay.  Each student made their own pinch pot, engraved their initials on the bottom, and will paint their pots during another class period.  The students were excited that they could give the pots to their parents, relatives or friends as Christmas presents.

Pictured are the second grade artists learning how to work with clay in order to make the pinch pots. The students are watching retired art teacher, Ms. Kuebel demonstrate the technique of working with clay. Jayne Lightfoot, Rotarian Volunteer, and Betsy Scheffe, Blanco Women's Club Volunteer, are ready to help the young artists.
Rotary and Women’s Club Assist with Blanco Elementary School Art Connie 2021-12-30 05:00:00Z 0

Mykal Van Stavern Inducted

New Rotary member, Mykal Van Stavern (right), was inducted December 6. Mykal is an insurance agent with Van Stavern Insurance Group.
Mykal Van Stavern Inducted Connie 2021-12-06 05:00:00Z 0
Veteran's Day Celebration Connie 2021-11-02 04:00:00Z 0


by Jack Twilley
Blanco Rotarian and Artist, Leta Garcia and local Artist Betsy Scheffe, along with Jayne Lightfoot and Jan Gass, are volunteering at the Blanco Elementary School as Artists and helpers to introduce and teach kindergartners through second graders art.  They are engaged in learning art through seasonal projects like decorating for Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.
The project is spearheaded by first grade teacher, Rosalind Ellis, and supported by principal, Jowie Walker.  The elementary school has been without an art program since 2017 when the district’s financial shortfall forced curtailment of its art program.  The volunteers are now filling that gap and using their artistic knowledge and skills to teach the students the basics of art (shapes, colors, etc.) while allowing each individual’s own creativity to shine through their project. 
The project is another example of the Rotary Club of Blanco County reaching out to help our community and its citizens - and living the Rotary Motto: “Service Above Self”.  If you are interested in joining the Rotary club, please contact Rotarian Tracy Barr via email at: (photos by Sandy Switzer)


The Rotary Club of Blanco County held a Pints for Polio fundraiser event for End Polio Now on October 27 at Old 300 BBQ - Back Forty. The eradication of polio is one of Rotary's longest standing and most significant efforts and Rotary continues to raise funds to help immunize children all over the world.
Herman Weber and his wife, Nancy, stopped by to make a donation at the event. Herman, who was born and raised in Blanco County, was personally affected by polio. In 1955 when he was only 2 ½ years old, Herman went from running as a toddler, to walking, to crawling over a short period of time. He had contracted polio. At the event local club President, Joe Kustelski, shared a video about the progress in eradicating polio worldwide. Those in attendance enjoyed a BBQ meal and a beer or wine. The Joker's Wild drawing was won by Doug McKenzie who donated the money back to the polio fundraiser.

Guest Speaker from CoAPT

Amber Corder, Program Coordinator for CoAPT, was our guest speaker at the club meeting October 18. Amber shared information regarding the mission and vision of Blanco Coalition of Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment of Substance Abuse. She shared statistics and strategies used to prevent/decrease substance abuse in our youth.
Guest Speaker from CoAPT Connie 2021-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

Walk to Raise Awareness about Human Trafficking

On October 16 the Rotary Club of Blanco County and the D5840 Combat Human Trafficking Rotary Club held a walk around the Old Blanco Courthouse grounds to raise awareness about human trafficking. Rotarians handed out information and answered questions about the myths and facts surrounding human trafficking. Rotarian Susan Burkholder, who is also a member of the Ransomed Life organization, will provide presentations to your local community and schools about steps we can take to prevent the exploitation of adults and children for profit.
Walk to Raise Awareness about Human Trafficking Connie 2021-10-17 04:00:00Z 0
Walk for Human Trafficking Awareness Connie 2021-10-12 04:00:00Z 0

A Walk for Freedom

Please join us for A Walk for Freedom around the Courthouse in Blanco - Oct. 16, 2021 - 10 am - 11:30 am Rotarians with the D5840 Combat Human Trafficking Club together with members and friends of The Rotary Club of Blanco County are hosting an AWARENESS WALK to bring attention to Human Trafficking. On this day, in cities across the U.S., thousands of people will be walking in response to A21’s Walk for Freedom national campaign against human trafficking. Our walk takes place during Blanco Market Days where vendors and shoppers will be on the Courthouse Square. We will carry signs, pass out brochures, and answer questions. The walk will last around 30 minutes, and afterwards the group will gather at Bindseil City Park, (across the street from the Courthouse) for refreshments and a short Q and A session with Susan Burkholder, Rotarian and Randsomed Life volunteer. We will gather at the entrance to Bindseil City Park southeast of the courthouse on Pecan Street at 10 am. Park on the side streets around town, on Pecan and 5th St. near the Old Pioneer Museum, or Pecan and 2nd or 3rd streets, near the Bindseil Park entrance. If possible please wear a Rotary T-shirt, cap or name tag. For further questions please text or call Tracy Barr @ 512-576-1930 
A Walk for Freedom Connie 2021-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

Tristan Schlinke Thanks Rotary for Scholarship

Tristan Schlinke attended the club meeting October 4 to thank Rotary for the scholarship awarded to him. Tristan attends Schreiner University in Kerrville. Tristan is pictured with his grandmother, Rotarian Leta Garcia.
Tristan Schlinke Thanks Rotary for Scholarship Connie 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Karen Stevenson

Karen Stevenson, Director of National Museum of the Pacific War was our guest speaker at the October 4 club meeting.
Guest Speaker Karen Stevenson Connie 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

New Member Inducted

Chris Van Stavern was inducted to the Rotary Club of Blanco County at the September 20 meeting. Chris is a financial planner at Springs Wealth Group.
New Member Inducted Connie 2021-09-28 04:00:00Z 0
Pints for Polio Fundraiser to End Polio Now Oct 27 Connie 2021-09-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Ronni Pue Receives Paul Harris Fellow Recognition

Ronni Pue received Paul Harris Recognition +2 at the September 7 club meeting. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Rotarian Ronni Pue Receives Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Connie 2021-09-07 04:00:00Z 0

New Members Inducted

Pictured left to right Candy Cargill, Pam Bindseil and Shannon Millard were inducted to the Rotary Club of Blanco County at the September 7 meeting. The three new members are all realtors at Hill Country Real Estate in Blanco.
New Members Inducted Connie 2021-09-07 04:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker KK Welch of Rockbox Theater Connie 2021-09-07 04:00:00Z 0

Meeting TUESDAY, September 7

Our next meeting is TUESDAY (not Monday), September 7 at 12:00 noon at Old 300 BBQ - Back Forty. Hope to see you there.
Meeting TUESDAY, September 7 Connie 2021-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

Blanco County Community Resource Center

Dawn Capra and Alyce Sierra with the Blanco County Community Resource Center (CRC), located in Johnson City, were guests at the Rotary Club of Blanco County meeting August 16. Dawn is the Site Director and spoke about the wide array of services offered to citizens of Blanco County. The mission of CRC is to serve communities by connecting people to resources that meet needs and change futures. The center can connect individuals to resources for food, housing, safety, and transportation. In addition, they can assist with pregnancy and child resources, education, employment, health care, and legal services. The CRC asked for Rotary’s help in spreading the word that the center is there to offer assistance to individuals in need. Pictured left to right Dawn Capra (CRC), Joe Kustelski (Rotary President), Tracy Barr (Rotary Membership Chair), Alyce Sierra (CRC).
Blanco County Community Resource Center Connie 2021-08-20 04:00:00Z 0
Support our Friends at the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks Ranch Connie 2021-08-20 04:00:00Z 0
Making the Internet Safer for Children and Families Connie 2021-08-04 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you to Cox Paving of Texas

Sidney Cox, President of Cox Paving of Texas, receives the thank you gift of an engraved candy dish from Leta Garcia for being a Gold Sponsor of the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament held in June.
Thank you to Cox Paving of Texas Connie 2021-08-01 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you to The GVTC Foundation

The GVTC Foundation receives the thank you gift of an engraved candy dish from the Rotary Club of Blanco County for being a Platinum Sponsor of the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament held in June.
Pictured, top Row: Antonio Lucero, Brad Meyer, Rita Acker; bottom Row: Randy Inman, Sonia Aguillon (President of The GVTC Foundation), Bob Backle (Rotarian), Les Johnson.
Thank you to The GVTC Foundation Connie 2021-08-01 04:00:00Z 0

The GVTC Foundation donates $3000 to the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament

The GVTC Foundation presented a check for $3,000 to the Rotary Club of Blanco County Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament held June 7, 2021.
Pictured, top Row: Antonio Lucero, Brad Meyer, Rita Acker; bottom Row: Sonia Aguillon (President of The GVTC Foundation), Randy Inman, Les Johnson, Bob Backle (Rotarian)
The GVTC Foundation donates $3000 to the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament Connie 2021-08-01 04:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker, Rachel Lumpee, August 2 Connie 2021-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians volunteer at Blanco Elementary School summer program

During the month of June, Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Blanco County provided assistance to the students and teachers at Blanco Elementary School’s summer program. Rotarians, Kathie Estrada (at top) and Jack Twilley (above), are shown volunteering their time and talents working with students and demonstrating the Rotary motto - Service Above Self. Other Rotarians who volunteered and worked with summer program students were Jan Gass, Jerry Gass, Sandy Switzer, Tracy Barr and Connie Cox.
Rotarians volunteer at Blanco Elementary School summer program Connie 2021-07-23 04:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker, Tommy Weir, Blanco County Commissioner for Precinct 1

Tommy Weir, Blanco County Commissioner for Precinct 1, was the guest speaker at the July 19 club meeting. Tommy talked about some of the challenges faced by the Commissioner’s Court including HOT tax, the actual jurisdiction of the court and what they can and can’t do, development, density issues, growth in the county, water issues, road and bridge repair. He said that Law Enforcement expenditures are about 47% of the county budget. Sheriff Jackson addressed some of the challenges at our meeting a couple months ago. The court fully supports our Law Enforcement agencies and understand how full their caseloads are. Pictured is club President, Joe Kustelski, thanking Tommy Weir for a very interactive discussion.
Guest Speaker, Tommy Weir, Blanco County Commissioner for Precinct 1 Connie 2021-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Foundation Achievement Banner

At the July 19 meeting, Bob presented the club with the Foundation achievement banner for 2019-20. Our club has 100% participation in contributions and all members are Sustaining Members. Only 11 of the 54 clubs in our District are at this status! Way to go Rotary Club of Blanco County!
Foundation Achievement Banner Connie 2021-07-20 04:00:00Z 0
President, Joe Kustelski, sworn in June 21. Connie 2021-07-20 04:00:00Z 0
Online Safety & Awareness Training Connie 2021-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

New Members Inducted

Three new members were inducted to The Rotary Club of Blanco County at the June 21 meeting. The club welcomes Teri and Doug McKenzie who are owners of RE/MAX Genesis in Blanco and Barbara Propes who is a self-employed event planner.
Some of the reasons to join Rotary:
• Friendship and fellowship
• Opportunity to serve and do good both locally and internationally
• Community involvement
• Continuing education and speakers to keep members informed about what is going on in the community, nation and world.
• Fun
If you are interested in becoming a Rotarian, please contact Tracy Barr, membership chairperson, at (512) 576-1930 or
New Members Inducted Connie 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

2021-2022 Club Officers and Committee Chairs

Incoming District Governor, Kristy Vandenberg was present at the June 21 club meeting to install the 2021-2022 Rotary Club of Blanco County Officers and Committee Chairs. Pictured standing left to right Jack Twilley (Service Projects and Youth Activities Chair), Dixie Van Eynde (Secretary), Bob Backle (The Rotary Foundation Chair), District Governor Kristy Vandenberg, Joe Kustelski (President), Gerald Gass (Sergeant-at-Arms), Harvie Lindeman (President Elect & Treasurer); seated left to right Tracy Barr ( President-Nominee & Membership Chair), Connie Cox (Public Image Chair).
2021-2022 Club Officers and Committee Chairs Connie 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

Outgoing Club President Recognized

Bob Backle, 2020-2021 Club President pictured on the left, was recognized for his exemplary service and organization in leading the club for the past year. Incoming club President for 2021-2022, Joe Kustelski, presented Bob with a thank you plaque.
Outgoing Club President Recognized Connie 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Year Award - Sandy Switzer

At the June 21 club meeting Bob Backle, club President, presented the Rotarian of the Year award to Sandy Switzer. Sandy was recognized for her dedication and hard work on the many service projects and for keeping our club in the news despite the difficult year covid-19 presented for us.
Rotarian of the Year Award - Sandy Switzer Connie 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

Service Above Self Awards

Bob Backle, club president, presented Service Above Self awards to Frank Dubuisson (left) and Ken Smith (right) at the June 21 meeting. These two men worked extremely hard organizing the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament fundraiser held earlier this month.
Service Above Self Awards Connie 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

Outgoing 2020-2021 Officers and Committee Chairs

Bob Backle, club President, presented gifts to the outgoing 2020-2021 officers and committee chairs at the June 21 club meeting. Pictured below, left to right: Gerald Gass, Joe Kustelski, Sandy Switzer, Tracy Barr, Pat Clewell, Leta Garcia, Frank Dubuisson, Jack Twilley, Harvie Lindeman, Bob Backle. Not pictured Ronni Pue.
Outgoing 2020-2021 Officers and Committee Chairs Connie 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0


The Rotary Club of Blanco County wishes to THANK the following businesses & volunteers for their support of the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament held on June 7, 2021.  The tournament was a great success!
Platinum Sponsor:                                       
GVTC Foundation
Gold Sponsor:
Cox Paving
Silver Sponsors:                               
Frost Bank
Legacy Hills
Kendall Country Abstract
L & L Drilling
Bronze Sponsors:
Blanco Pharmacy & Wellness
Dirt Works
Hal & Sandy Switzer
Henry House
Mattuck Services, Inc.
Special Events Sponsors:
42 on 32 RV Park
Blanco Garden Center
Blanco Hydrogas
Frost Bank
Henry House
JB Hall Construction LLC
Mahoney Custom Homes
Property Medic
Texas Farm Bureau
WCR Land Surveying
Hole Sponsors:                     
Apache A/C
Bill & Kathy Fusco
Blanco County Friends of the Night Sky
Blanco Dental Center
Blanco Heating & A/C
Blanco Pharmacy & Wellness
Blanco Vet Clinic                              
Guardian Title & Dean Mayne     
Hal & Sandy Switzer
HC Wireless
Hill Country Real Estate
HNB Blanco Banking Center
James Harris
Josie’s Kitchen
Lightfoot Realty
Lone Star Capital Bank                         
Peterson Tire
St. Michaels and All Angels Episcopal Church
Security State Bank
Seymour’s Garage
Sidco Enterprises
Steve & Marcie Wagner
Dr. Weaver
Texas Cannon Brewing Company
Trinity Lutheran Men’s Group                      
Cash Sponsors:
Blanco Swiss Lodge Hotel
Greg & Cathy Miller
Elaine Drum, CPA
El Charro Mexican Restaurant
Jazel’s Hair Studio & Barbershop
Joe & Victoria Guidry
Mike & Karen Robinson
Thaddeus Millard
Lunch Provided by SUBWAY
Dinner Provided by CHICKEN EXPRESS
Bottled Water donated by:
Chicken Express
Lowe’s Blanco & Johnson City         
Tractor Supply - Blanco
MANY THANKS to our Blanco County Rotarian Volunteers, and to:
Bernadette Reneau
Carl and Liza Struck
Blanco FFA students
Diana Schwind
Kellye Lane
Rhonda Norville
Maelee Sowa
Michael Thomas – San Saba Rotary Club
Johnson City Print Shop for their excellent work!
THANK YOU 2021-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

Golf Tournament Great Success

The Rotary Club of Blanco County held the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament at Vaaler Creek Golf Course in Blanco on June 7. Joe Garcia, who passed away December 26, 2020, was the founder of The Rotary Club of Blanco County and made many contributions to the Blanco community. 65 golfers participated in the tournament and a silent auction was also held. Funds raised are used for scholarships, Project Graduation, Human Trafficking Awareness, Blanco Education Foundation, computers, books and other equipment for schools.
The winning team shot a 54 on the 72 par course while the second place team shot a 55 and the third place team 58. The winning teams and winners of other events are pictured below.
The Rotary Club of Blanco County would like to thank the sponsors, golfers, and those who donated items for the silent auction. The tournament was a great success!
1st Place Team: Paul Antrim, Drake Robinson, John Antrim and Ryan Watts
2nd Place Team: Roger Burton, Dave Spenny, Mike Robbins and Doc Blanchard
3rd Place Team: Bill Fusco, John Rogers, Ron Hubbard and Tuffy Burton
Longest Drive Winners: Kayla Wersal and Mike Robbins
Straightest Drive Winners: Karen Maxton and Richard Fryover
Putting Contest Winners: Ryan Watts (1st) and Joe Bono (2nd)
Closest to Pin Winner: Ron Hubbard
Golf Tournament Great Success Connie 2021-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

Joe Garcia Golf Tournament Silent Auction

story thumbnail

The Rotary Club of Blanco County is proud to present the Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament on Jun 7th, 2021 at Vaaler Creek Golf Club, 228 Jeff Vaughn, Blanco, TX. 78606.  Tee-time is 12 noon.

At SILENT AUCTION, there’s much to choose from in the way of gift certificates, gift baskets, clothing, and famous local artist’s renderings, prints, and paintings.  Bidding will open at 11 am and close at 5pm.   Winning bids will be announced during dinner which will be served at 5:30 pm.

During the tournament players’ spouses/and or family members are invited to the Silent Auction to bid in person between 1 pm and 4 pm.   The Auction Committee will also have a dedicated cell phone answered by a live person to take bids over the phone if patrons are unable to attend.  Tracy Barr with the Auction Committee has provided a list of the more popular auction donations listed below. Bids can be made to this number 512-364-1724 between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm on tournament day.

Joe Garcia Golf Tournament Silent Auction 2021-05-24 04:00:00Z 0

Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament Scheduled for June 7, 2021

The Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament will be held June 7, 2021 at Vaaler Creek Golf Course in Blanco, TX. Tee time is 12PM. The tournament is a fundraiser sponsored by The Rotary Club of Blanco County and will include lunch, dinner, raffle, and a silent auction.


Joe Garcia Memorial Golf Tournament Scheduled for June 7, 2021 Connie 2021-04-15 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club Presented a Check to BISD Safety Patrol 2020-10-30 04:00:00Z 0
Hygiene Kits Delivered to Schools and Senior Living Areas 2020-10-15 04:00:00Z 0
CoAPT, Rotary Partner to provide funds for vape detectors at BHS by Jack Twilley  Jack Twilley 2020-10-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Gives Back Through "Helping Hands" Program

Rotary Club gives back through ‘helping hands’ program
By Sandy Switzer
Ladies of the Rotary Club of Blanco County safely spaced themselves and dressed in masks united to put hygiene kits together for several Blanco County outreach organizations.
Sandy Switzer, who is the hygiene kit project team leader, and Connie Cox, Pat Clewell, Dixie Van Eynde, Jan Gass and Leta Garcia decided to prepare the kits for Blanco County as safely as possible.
The organizations the Rotary Club delivers kits to are: Blanco ISD schools, Johnson City ISD schools, the Community Resource Center in Johnson City and senior living areas.
Rotary Club Gives Back Through "Helping Hands" Program Sandy Switzer 2020-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

Put and end to Polio and COVID-19 by Jerry Gass

For those of us old enough to remember, hearing the word polio brings back major discomfort.   It brings the vision of young children being crippled for life or crying in agony while living in iron lungs.   It was certainly a time of celebration when the Salk vaccine was developed and then widely dispersed.   Since that time, tremendous improvement has occurred in most countries of the world in eradicating polio.
Put and end to Polio and COVID-19 by Jerry Gass Jerry Gass 2020-10-07 04:00:00Z 0
Africa Region Declared Polio-Free 2020-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

Providing Supplies to CAPRA

Blanco County Rotary is helping supply needed materials as soap, washing supplies,  tooth paste, many hygiene needs to community families. 
We are working with  the Community Resource Center in Johnson City,  Blanco who touches many lives in our community.   Rotarian Patricia Clewell is presenting  kits to the site Coordinator, Dawn CAPRA. 
Providing Supplies to CAPRA 2020-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Blanco County Awards Scholarships by Niki Lockwood

The Rotary Club of Blanco County recently announced the award of $1000 scholarships to four deserving high school seniors, two from Blanco High School and two from Johnson City High School.  Each school will publicly announce the recipients at an appropriate ceremony of their choosing.  The students will further their education at a university or technical training school.  The students are:
-Alvin Lopez and Dooley Smith, JCHS 
-Mitchell Barnett and Adelyn Seymour, BHS
The Rotary Board evaluated twelve applicants, six from each school, all of whom were extremely qualified.  The evaluation was based on their academic record, a personal letter to the board, extra-curricular actives, and community service.  The board was impressed by the breadth and depth of each applicant’s credentials.  All were outstanding students in their own right.   They will be introduced to the membership at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 1 during a virtual club meeting.
The Rotary Club of Blanco County Awards Scholarships by Niki Lockwood 2020-05-13 04:00:00Z 0